Bulletin 32

Transition and Turbulence in Flows Affected by Centrifugal and / or Coriolis Forces

Rotation and Curvature Effects on Channel Flows
P.H. Alfredsson

Research at the LMFA on Turbulent and Transitional Flows Affected by Coriolis and Centrifugal Forces
C. Cambon

Three-dimenisional Centrifugal Instability
H. Bippes and S. Hein

Compressibility Influence on Taylor-Goertler Vortices Development at Large Reynolds Numbers
V.V. Bogolepov and I.I. Lipatov

Heat and Mass Transfer Along Curved Walls in Internal Flows
V. Kottke, P. Gschwind and H.D. Li

Turbulent Shear Flows Affected by Coriolis Forces
H.I. Anderson

G?rtler Vortex Flow: Perturbation Amplification, its Effects on Transport Properties and its Active Control
H. Peershossaini

Instability amd Coherent Vorticies in Rotating Shear Flows
O. Métais, E. Lamballais and M. Lesieur

UMIST's Research on Transition and Turbulence in Flows Affected by Centrifugal and / or Coriolis Forces
H. Iacovides, B.E. Launder, M.A. Leschziner and F.S. Lien

Streaky Structures and Goertler Vorticies in Compressible Flow
L. de Luca, G. gardone and D. Aymer de la Chevalerie

Rotation Effects on Strained Homogeneous Turbulence
O. Leuchter

Rotation-Related Research in the Department of Aerospace Engineering - Politecnico di Milano
P. Luchini

Boundary Layer Flows with Centrifugal Forces
E.I. Nikiforovich and N.F. Yurchenko

Flows in Curved and / or Rotating Passages: Overview of the activities at the IMHEF-EPFL
A. Bottaro, Y. Marx, A. Pexieder, P.A. Monkewitz and T.V. Truong

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